
Showing posts from December, 2024

Christmas Chronicles (2018)

Here is another Christmas scene someone sent to me last minute lol! Merry Christmas everyone!

Pups Alone (2021)

Hello everyone, a fan has found a Christmas movie with a D.I.D scene, that features a daughter, mother and father with a tape gag and thin rope wrapped around their wrists. In my opinion I think this scene is okay, as there are better scenes out there. An improvement, or what could make a Christmas D.I.D scene good is being tied up with Christmas lights and gagged with Christmas (red and green) tape. I hope you enjoy this scene, otherwise if you have a Christmas scene you have found, please let me know in the comments below or the form at the bottom of the page.  NEW SCENE ON CHRISTMAS EVE! I will start posting again in January, but in the meantime, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Deadtime Stories S1 E5

 Hello everyone, today's scene is from a kids horror TV series that is also based on a book. This scene has many kids tied to a chair and 'gagged' with party horns (their muffles would sound hilarious) I understand this scene may not be as exciting for some, but it's a great way to still convince kids to get into being tied up.  Here is the full episode for those who want to watch with kids... and the entire D.I.D scene here!

Hunter Street S1 E20, S4 E15 & De Ludwigs S1 E40

Hello everyone, this is a very special post with three scenes, two of them being very similar. The first scene in the first video, Hunter Street's 'The Deed' episode (S1 E20), features Kyra Isako Smith with a tape gag for a brief moment, along with her wrists tied behind her back, and ankles with rope. This may be a familiar scene to some, as a snippet of the scene is uploaded on the Nickelodeon Youtube channel, making this my favorite scene out of the videos on this post. The second scene in the first video is a Dutch adaptation of the first scene, but with different actors and outfits, everything else including the dialogue and performances are very similar. In comparison, the De Ludwigs version has better ropework, but I preferred the English version overall in terms of the actor's looks, and outfit. Tell me which scene in the first video you preferred in the comments below! While editing this video, I did some research on Kyra I found another D.I.D scene of her in H...

Level 16 (2018)

This movie is about a dystopian orphanage that enforces strict rules on young girls before they are bought from rich individuals and let into the free world. As an orphanage this peculiar we could expect a lot of corruption behind the scenes, which spoiler alert, it does. lol The orphanage conducts many mistreatments for girls who don't follow their orders, some crueler than others. One of the less cruel is being locked in a small cell for the night that some claustrophobics may tolerate. Another scene where another girl is locked in a jail cell with her hands zip-tied behind her back, and the final scene where they lock themselves in a room behind a door with bars to stay away from one of the orphanages founders who try to convince the girls to go back. A movie some great cell scenes, but is not recommended to watch with a child as there are scenes they may find disturbing. But without further ado, enjoy! P.S If anyone knows some Christmas D.I.D scenes, let me know in the comments...

Detetives Do Predio Azul S19 E18

This Brazillian kid detective show features a girl (possibly one of the detectives) tied and gagged with what looks like elastic bands or yarn. This comical way of tying someone will appreciate some, but guaranteed most kids will enjoy this predicament. Even if you use yarn, or wrap them tightly in blankets can create fun and hilarious memories.  This method is great for almost any kid who might want a gentle introduction to being tied up. If anyone has any photos or videos they took of their kids in this predicament, please use the form below, or share it in the comments if you are willing. Enjoy!